Category: Financial advisers


What are you offering?

It’s easy to think of your ‘advice offering’ (i.e. what clients pay you for) as one single thing. After all, for every client you have:

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Financial advisers

Anxiety’s bad, right?

Anxiety, not surprisingly, has a bit of a bad rep. At best, it’s associated with a nervy stomach and a sleepless night. At worst, it

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Financial Adviser Anxiety - Dentist image
Financial advisers

What is financial adviser anxiety?

We irrational humans have fears and anxieties – some of which are more common than others. For example, glossophobia – the fear of public speaking and dentophobia – the fear of dentists.

But some of the situations that provoke fear and anxiety are often overlooked, ignored, or simply not understood. I propose that anxiety around engaging with a financial adviser is one such case.

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Tuesday 25th August: 11am – 12.30pm (BST) – Full

Thursday 3rd September: 11am – 12.30pm (BST)

Wednesday 9th September: 2pm – 3.30pm (BST)

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